Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Little Rain is Nice!

We've been tending the new wines, but now it's time to rack last year's vintage and do the final blend. We'll rack and position the barrels in the barrel room for bottling starting early next year.
Reminder: our $1/shipping offer is good through 12/15/08 - please don't miss out!
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Special $1 Shipping NOW Expanded for the Holidays
Order using the Buy Now buttons on the web site or use our order form, or call us directly. This great deal ends after December 15th, so order your wines now!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Terrie's Barrel Stave Candle Holders

Friday, November 7, 2008
Netting a Big Job
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Fall Has Arrived

We have started pulling nets from the vineyard (a slow and dirty job), but over the last couple of days rain has slowed progress.
We love the first rain of the season. It cleans up the dust and gets the hills growing again. This was a perfect drizzle, not a big down pour that always causes erosion.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Another Toucan Harvest Complete
It always feels good to have the harvest behind us, now we'll remove nets and give the vineyard a needed drink. After this last batch of wine is barreled down, we'll start a few fall projects on the farm.
Friday, October 24, 2008
2008 Vintage Images

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Look New Toucans

Monday, October 20, 2008
Harvest Party, Birthday, Good Times

A warm thank you to everyone who came to enjoy the day and the weekend. We appreciate the long drive from the Bay Area and from the L.A. area to spend a little time in the country.

Sunday, October 12, 2008
New Landscaping for the Winery

Huasna Oil Signs

Here's a short video of signs located along Huasna Road. These signs reflect the opinion of the community faced potential oil production in the Huasna Valley.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Barrel Hoist Installed

Barrel Repair, Frost, and Bottles

We had the first frost of the season last night. Sadly meaning that our tomato crop and berries from the garden are about finished for the year.

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Wrapping up for the season

A final pressing tomorrow and one more harvest of second crop later this fall will be the last effort for the year. We'll move to racking, bottling, cleaning and storing away the equipment we only use during harvest. In the vineyard we're waiting for second crop and then we'll remove the nets and again wait for the right time to begin pruning.
We enjoyed a brief rain yesterday and now a little wind mixed with pleasant sunshine is making for a perfect Sunday afternoon. Warm days are in the forecast as we move into the most beautiful time of year on the central coast of California.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
2008 Petite Sirah Fermenting

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Pressing Estate Zinfandel

We've been so busy with harvest and tasting events - Friday in Solvang and Saturday at Lund's, after picking Syrah in the morning.

Petite Sirah the Last Fruit in 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008
Wine Volcano and Harvest

Friday, September 19, 2008
Pressing the Wines and New Barrels

It's an interesting year - strange weather all year, but more interesting to me is the the lack of birds attacking the fruit. And the lack of yellow jackets at this time of year - they were heavy in early summer and I was worried - but they seem to have left of died off.

Also the lack of fruit fly and ladybugs this year is very odd - maybe the strange weather disrupted the insect development cycle. Not that I'm wishing for more fruit fly - but more ladybugs would have been nice.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Fermentation, Picking, and Sleep

The pace has allowed for good nights sleep so far, but the middle of the night punch downs start today.
We'll pick again tomorrow and Saturday (and enjoying a taco party with my folks in town) and take a break allowing the fruit to continue down the path of ripening fully. I'll use this time to catch-up on the winemaking, and press the Carignane just before picking again next weekend (out of towner sleep-over weekend).
I'm really slammed for space this year with extra barrels, and bins filling with must - I've had to kick out tables, bottles and anything else that took floor space.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Toucan Wines Zin Harvest
Saturday, September 6, 2008
24 Hours of Carignane

Little sleep, XM radio and hundreds of miles to drive - it's the middle of night towing a flat bed and driving in Bob's Luxury-Truck. We arrive in Oakley at 5:30 in the morning and weigh in at the local scale and grab a quick bite and coffee at the only place open - micky-d's.
Picking starts on time but our picking slot is delayed, so I use the time to clean bins while Bob snaps a few shots of the old vines in the Evangelho vineyard. The fruit finally comes out of the field and it looks great. Once loaded and the 6 bins are tied down - were maybe an hour and a half behind my schedule. In route back toward 101 south we cleverly use the delay to our favor and stop in Dublin for BBQ at an old favorite of mine Armadillo Willies. We arrive just as they open.

On the side of the road in Gilroy, 100 degrees outside, and after a run-around from a local towing service we hook-up with Bruce's Tire who get to us in 10 minutes, replaces the tire, checks the pressure all around - putting us back on the road. Of course it didn't hurt that Bob had high-speed Internet access and a computer in the Lux-Truck to find the right resource.
Bob's back behind the wheel, XM Radio, and we're jamming to get to the nearest dry-ice store before closing. Arriving back at the Toucan farm we unload the bins and noticed one of the other tires on the trailer was starting to separate and had gone flat. That was our second lucky break.
We crushed the fruit (with the kind help of neighbor Paul and Terrie of course), and cleaned up the mess of leafs, fruit pieces, and bins.

A big thank you to Bob for joining me on wine-train trip, his Lux-Truck, trailer, Internet from the road, and a successful 24 hours of Carignane.
Also thank you to Paul for hanging with us way into the evening to get the crush finished.
These pictures taken by Bob are 120 year old Zinfandel vines in the Evangelho vineyard.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
September: Harvest Time
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Weird weather, harvest begins on the Central Coast...

The weird weather, over the past couple of weeks, has brought humid days and even a little rain. It's started to feel like fall (and we're still in August), cooler nights and morning fog are the norm these past several nights. The long warm days never materialized with the exception of the two seasonal heat waves. The days have been warm but not hot - just very pleasant. This will extend the growing season and pay us back with high quality.
Our harvest is still on track for late September and October, but earlier this week Edna Valley began harvesting Pinot Noir and later this week Zinfandel will be harvested in Paso Robles.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Winemaking Preparation

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
It's all about the wait...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
July has us hopping
The weather has been nice, but windy - in the 80's and a little humid (for the California coast). This past weekend we poured at the Central Coast Wine Classic - always a good time. And the 27th of the month we pour at A Taste of Camarillo.
The vineyard is looking good but one section has suffered from shattered clusters. maybe the result will be a light harvest. This was likely the result of several days of frost during spring bloom. Fingers are crossed that the weather holds out and we enjoy another great harvest.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Getting things done in July
The vines are looking good, growth is slowing in the vines and the grasses have mostly gone to straw. July will include some hoeing in the vineyard, a final mowing, and prep for netting in early August. In the winery we'll be working to install a lift system in the barrel room and begin servicing equipment in preparation for harvest in September.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Record heat now behind us
We stayed inside those five days of blistering heat. We worked on painting the winery and paperwork. Our new air conditioner did a great job in the heat keeping the wines at a perfect storage temperature.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Hot Zinfandel Weather
We're working inside this afternoon, I'm doing paperwork and looking into new bottles and cork options, while Terrie's painting a wall in the winery a new shade of green.
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Vineyard's Ready for Summer
Our next vineyard work will be one last pass to clear any over-growth obstructing the output from our sprayer and to determine if second crop should be removed. We'll also hoe the vineyard one last time before netting.
The wines are selling well and by the way - our 2006 Toucan Cuvee is drinking beautifully. If you haven't got yours, consider stocking up before it's gone. We only made 128 cases.
Toucan Wines in New York & New Jersey
Welcome to our east coast friends and I hope you'll enjoy our limited production wines. Feel free to email me here at the winery to say hello.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Working the Vineyard
The days have been mild if not a little cold, but warmer days are forecast for the weekend. The vineyard is flowering and a few advanced vines have set fruit. The growing season is coming along nicely - everything looks great (fingers crossed). The new Petite Sirah replacements are growing nicely, of course, they get hand watered every third day.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
From near record heat to cold...
We had fun pouring this weekend at the Arroyo Grande strawberry festival - thanks to those who stopped by to try our wine and enjoy the food and shops at the festival.
Friday, May 16, 2008
California Heat Wave 100 degrees and counting
We just finished racking the 07 wines, the Estate Port, the Estate Zin and Petite Sirah are all coming along nicely. And we're doing some early preparation for this year's harvest. We have our barrel order placed, I'm looking into new bottles, and alternate suppliers for some materials.
Next in the vineyard I'll make a second pass to sucker unwanted growth and to tie vines that might get caught-up in the tractor when mowing. So, if you're driving by the vineyard wave at the farmer in the hat.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
BBQ Chicken Sandwich & Toucan '06 Cuvee

Monday, May 5, 2008
Wild, Wild, Arroyo Grande Valley

And this morning another reminder, outside our bedroom window, we spotted one of the Lynx (similar to a Bobcat) in the field next door. This beautiful animal is nice enough to hunt the gophers and other small mammals living in the field.

(family picture taken Saturday)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Sideways Wine Club + Toucan Wines Carignane
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Suckering, Suckering, Suckering
The process is simple but requires some thought - I remove unwanted shoots that grow from buds formed in odd locations on the truck; I remove those growing the wrong direction; and those creating an excess that will crowd the others as the rest grow up. Really, it's one of the best jobs in the vineyard. Especially when the weather is great and with a little music playing in my ear. That said, it's bending and stooping - so at the moment I'm inside taking a break and justifying that with a note to you ;-)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Wine Pouring, Customers, HOT Weekend
And it was HOT this weekend 100 degrees Sunday.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Warm and Sunny Central Coast
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Local Wine Picks - The Tribune
Sometimes wine drinkers simply want a change of pace from the usual cabernet sauvignon or chardonnay. This county’s wineries and vineyards offer plenty of choices that are a little different. My picks this week focus on two hearty reds, as well as a racy sauvignon blanc.
Toucan Wines 2006 Carignane $28
Toucan, best known for its zinfandel, is in Arroyo Grande, but the grapes for this wine come from Evangelho Vineyard up north in Contra Costa County. The vines were planted in the 1890s and yield a very small crop. These old vines have provided the fruit for a wonderful wine that’s full of character. It’s ripe and full-bodied, with dark fruit, white pepper, a slight floral note, firm tannins and a long, persistent finish.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Windy and Sunny Day

Friday, April 4, 2008
Maybe the last rain

I'm doing a few small, well deferred, tasks in the vineyard and we've starting a few small addition projects to sheds.

Monday, March 31, 2008
2006 Toucan Cuvee Released
Our 2006 Toucan Cuvee is a beautifully balanced blend of 55% Estate Zinfandel and 9% Estate Petite Sirah, plus 36% of Old Vine Carignane from the Evangelho Vineyard.
Both our estate Zinfandel and estate Petite Sirah wines spent the year in mostly new French, Hungarian, and American barrels before blending. Our 2006 Carignane made from rare old-vine Carignane grapes grown in Contra Costa County also spend a year in fine oak barrels.
To compile this blend, I selected three barrels of Estate Zinfandel from the seven barrels produced, two barrels of Carignane from five produced, and added a half-barrel of estate Petite Sirah. Once blended the Cuvee aged another 4 months in fine oak barrels (a total of 16 months in oak) prior to bottling.
A beautiful deep ruby color; forward black cherry and ripe fruits, vanilla toast, and a bit of spice on the nose; tastes of black raspberry/cherry, and earthy notes. This is a very balanced wine offering a lush full-mouth feel and some good complexity. Having spent sixteen months in fine oak barrels, this wine has mellowed nicely and will continue to develop in the bottle over the next year or two. Drink now or lay down.
The 2006 Toucan Cuvee was bottled on February 28, 2008 with alcohol of 13.9% and only 128 cases were produced. Customers will soon find this wine in mostly restaurants and tasting bars, but it's also available directly from the winery. Click on the ORDER link at the top of this page to have our Toucan Cuvee delivered.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Harvest 2007 Video
I you missed viewing our Harvest 2007 Video
well, check it out!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Wow it's been HOT! No Rain?
Where's the Spring rains? We seems to be stuck in a heat wave that won't stop. It's not all bad of course, walking on the beach is wonderful and living in shorts and a t-shirt can't be all bad. But the vineyards needs it's water.
Bud break is everywhere in the vineyard - in some places the vines are at 5th leaf. We're busy working on projects outside and about to mow the vineyard for the first time this season. All is well in the winery - still waiting on ML to finish and then racking.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Welcome Spring
Saturday, March 15, 2008
First Signs of the 2008 Vintage
Now that the first leaves have popped out, the growth will be fast, soon we'll be suckering the unwanted growth, trapping gophers, mowing the grass in the rows, and spraying to detour any mildew spoors.
Just a reminder - Saturday afternoon 1-5 pm I pour a couple of our current releases at Lund's located in the village of Arroyo Grande. Please stop in and say hello and taste our new wines. Also, to locate our restaurants and retail shops selling Toucan Wines - visit our retail page.
Friday, March 14, 2008
New Web Site Look for the Toucan
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Amazing Central Coast and Toucan Cuvee
The weather has been amazing here on the Central Coast, I'm starting to see buds swell in the vineyard and all the vineyard preparation for spring is complete. This really is the most wonderful time of year, the green colors, the rest brisk air in the evenings, even the sunsets seems particularly special in March.
We recently bottled and labeled 126 cases of the 2006 Toucan Wines "Toucan Cuvee" - Our 2006 Toucan Cuvee is a blend of 55% Estate Zinfandel and 9% Estate Petite Sirah, plus 36% of Old Vine Carignane from the Evangelho Vineyard. I plan to release this wine in the next couple months.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
January and February of 2008
We've enjoyed a mix of sun and rain these past few days. The grass is finally growing in the vineyard turning the ground from brown to green and the rain has saturated the soils. I look forward to a mild spring and working in the vineyard when the sun comes out again.
Today were both working in the winery to complete the labeling of the 2006 Toucan Wines Estate Zinfandel. Only 124 cases of this wine was produced, tiny when compared to the 300 cases of the award-winning 2005 Estate Zinfandel.
We finished pruning this morning and picking up the cuttings. As a few of our volunteers know, picking up the cuttings is a lot of work. This year Terrie did nearly all the picking-up of the cuttings.
Please take the time to check out VINOGRAPHY.COM and Alder's take on the ZAP festival including his scoring of our 05' Zinfandel and yet to be released 06' wines. If you haven't discovered Vinography, (you're in for a treat) it's simply the best written wine blog on the planet. And if you missed Vinography's Toucan Wines review from last year - please check it out
OK, enough self-promotion and mutual love - it's 9:30 in the morning and time to prune some vines.
February is here and it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Still pruning and cleaning-up from the rains and wind we've had over the past several weeks. We had a good time at ZAP and welcome our new customers from that event. We also had a great time with friends in the bay area - thanks to Robert for putting us up and to Helen and James for cooking the wonderful meals!!
We're back from 10 days in Maui -- More rain this week is doing it's job soaking the vineyard and filling our wells. We're expecting rain for the next five days... we better breakout the Kayaks.
We've begun pruning, but the rain has slowed us down a bit. All is well here on the farm, the wines are coming along very nicely and we're about to start some winter time racking of the 07' vintage and final bottling of the 06' wines. It's always nice to be home, I'm looking forward to getting a lot done this winter.
from Toucan Wines